Sunday, 21 June 2015

View IT!

I was in class 8,when I realized my vision was turning blur. No wonder, I was sure something had gone wrong with my eyes. After visiting the doctor,my instinct came out to be correct! I had got specs. I've had always dread wearing specs,which I still do. But one day something unusual happened. I just kept my specs somewhere and wasn't able to find them. While running around the house, I just turned my eyes towards the window and started looking out.The view was blur,but amazing. Myopia, a defect of the eye,turns your distant vision blur. It made realize how beautiful things can be when viewed from the eye of your imagination. I wonder how wonderful things appear to people who are blind or have an impaired vision. Ofcourse,beautiful,with a blend of their imagination! The trees,stars,sky,street lights and all the other things when viewed, have an essence of my imagination.Myopia took my imagination from a lower to a higher level. And yes, being a nature admirer, I've accepted Myopia as a gift.
Let me describe some of my wierd imaginations!

The bright ray of the sun,when passes through the canopy of a tree,makes the tree shine and happier. Or maybe as if someone hung white pearls on its branches just to enhance the beauty of the tree.The clouds,they look even and white as snow.With a normal vision people try to figure out different shapes of clouds. It appears lovely and everyone enjoys doing that. Isn't it? But with a blur vision,it's all the more interesting and enjoyable. 
The street lights appear as beautiful lanterns hanging from the sky. They are there just to make sure that the roads make a drive more enjoyable and they also lighten up the city. The night sky with a brightly shining moon and the twinkling stars together form  a picture perfect scenery.

The raindrops, are soft transparent marbles falling down from the heaven to make a person's day.The way they scatter after touching the ground, resembles glass marbles falling from a height.
I know all this sounds a bit wierd and funny. But this is what imagination is all about. Life becomes more interesting by imagining things in a wierd way. Look, what Myopia has done to my imagination! It has given it a makeover and boosted it too. I now look at this amazing world in a new and positive way.
I don't know whether you find this interesting,funny,weird or kidish? But,because of Myopia,life became a bit more interesting. The same thing maybe annoying or irritating for someone. But what will one get in being annoyed or irritated with life. Myopia would definitely not leave your life(unless you get your operated). There's no harm in looking at a positive way of enjoying and living your life.  Don't let these small things stop you from living your life. Make them a part of your life and enjoy it! Take them in a positive way and make sure that your life is worth it.
"La vie en rose"
It's the French way of saying,'I am looking at the world through rose-coloured glasses.'

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